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Lawyers for Justice are closely monitoring the escalating campaign of political arrests and the increasing repression carried out by the security agencies

Lawyers for Justice are closely monitoring the escalating campaign of political arrests and the increasing repression carried out by the security agencies

Lawyers for Justice are closely monitoring the escalating campaign of political arrests and the increasing repression carried out by the security agencies since the beginning of the current month. The group has observed a rise in cases of arrests based on the exercise...



Lawyers for Justice are closely monitoring the escalating campaign of political arrests and the increasing repression carried out by the security agencies

Lawyers for Justice are closely monitoring the escalating campaign of political arrests and the increasing repression carried out by the security agencies

Lawyers for Justice are closely monitoring the escalating campaign of political arrests and the increasing repression carried out by the security agencies since the beginning of the current month. The group has observed a rise in cases of arrests based on the exercise...

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Who we are!

Lawyers for justice started its legal activities as an individual back in 2012, by the time human rights violations increased and still increasing, following this, the group began to shape its ideas gradually as part of its efforts to organize its work. In 2014, the group called itself Lawyers for Justice Group.



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